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Miscellaneous Sculpture Work





Glass bottles, brass stand <br> 18 cm x 25 cm x 9 cm<br> 1989

Neon Swing

Neon Swing

Steel, Neon tube, plaster, transformer<br> 70 cm x 40 cm x 18 cm<br> 1995

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neon swing_detail.jpg

Projector Bike I

Projector Bike I

Made for "Landscape" exhibition at the youth wing of the Israel Museum. As the bicycle was pedaled, slides showing a progression along a dirt track in the desert were projected in sync with the pace of the pedaling. <br><br> Stationary bicycle, slide projector<br> Installation<br> 1993



This rocket was shown at the Jerusalem Science Museum before being successfully launched into earth orbit; carrying a communications satellite which was to improve my TV reception.<br><br> Space-age materials<br> Approx 8m x 2.5m x 2.5 m<br> 2001

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